At first glance, the title of this blog might seem odd. After all, Leonardo da Vinci, the famed Italian polymath, lived from 1452 to 1519, while New York City didn’t begin to take shape until much later, with its founding in 1624. How could Leonardo da Vinci, a Renaissance genius, have any connection to an attack on New York? The answer lies in a different Leonardo da Vinci—an Italian submarine named after the famous figure, active during World War II. This submarine, built to serve the Italian Navy, embarked on a daring mission that would one day involve the consideration of a strike on New York City.

The Italian Submarine Leonardo da Vinci: History and Design

The Leonardo da Vinci submarine, launched in 1939, was part of the Regia Marina’s (Italian Navy) extended fleet during World War II. It belonged to the Marconi class, a group of long-range submarines capable of traveling great distances. Named after one of Italy’s most iconic historical figures, the submarine carried significant symbolism as Italy’s naval efforts expanded beyond the Mediterranean into the Atlantic.

The SS Empress of Canada, sunk by the Leonardo da Vinci submarine in March 1943, marking the submarine's most significant victory during World War II.
The SS Empress of Canada, sunk by the Leonardo da Vinci submarine in March 1943, marking the submarine’s most significant victory during World War II. (Source: Wikipedia)

Leonardo da Vinci was designed for covert operations and long-range strikes. It quickly became one of the most successful submarines in the Italian fleet, sinking over 120,000 tons of Allied shipping during the war. This success can be attributed to its advanced design and the skill of its crew. Under the command of Carlo Fecia di Cossato, the submarine achieved notoriety for its efficiency and accuracy, cementing its place in history as Italy’s deadliest submarine of the conflict.

Planning the Attack on New York

One of the most audacious missions ever considered by the Italian Navy involved the Leonardo da Vinci preparing for an attack on New York City. During World War II, Italy sought to disrupt Allied shipping and communication lines, and New York, as a hub of American power, was a tantalizing target. The idea was to take the war to American soil, creating chaos and fear through a symbolic strike on one of the most important cities in the world.

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In what year did Christopher Columbus reach the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola on his first voyage?

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Which famous pharaoh had over 100 children and reigned for 66 years?

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When did Simon Bolivar die?

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Which famous ancient military commander was tutored by Aristotle?

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Which Viking god was known as the Allfather and the god of wisdom, poetry, and war?

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On which island did Napoleon die?

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What does "Sic transit gloria mundi" mean in English?

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Which Native American tribe was involved in the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890?

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What was the name of the Egyptian queen with whom Julius Caesar had a romantic liaison?

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Which structure is known as the 'Sphinx' in Egypt?

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In what year was Abraham Lincoln first elected as President of the United States?

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Which Viking saga tells the story of the Greenlanders and their voyages to North America?

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What is the Bastille Day and when is it celebrated?

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Who was the last Inca Emperor that was killed by the Spaniards in 1533?

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How many times did Alexander the Great marry?

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The Trail of Tears refers to the forced relocation of which Native American tribe?

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When were the first British colonies established in Australia?

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What was the name of the alliance formed by Greek city-states to resist the Persians in the Second Persian War?

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Indira Gandhi was Prime Minister of which country?

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The feasibility of such an attack, however, was questionable. Though Leonardo da Vinci had impressive range capabilities, navigating across the Atlantic without detection and launching a successful strike would have required not only superior planning but also extraordinary luck. The logistical challenges, including fuel supply, evading Allied patrols, and ensuring the submarine’s survival after an attack, made the mission highly improbable. Ultimately, while plans were considered, the idea of attacking New York never materialized into action, as the submarine’s resources were directed toward more achievable goals.

The Mysterious Disappearance of Leonardo da Vinci

Despite its initial success, the submarine met a tragic end. In May 1943, Leonardo da Vinci embarked on what would be its final mission. It disappeared without a trace in the Atlantic Ocean, with its exact fate remaining a mystery for some time. Various theories emerged regarding its loss, but it wasn’t until postwar investigations that historians pieced together the most likely scenario.

The British frigate HMS Active and destroyer HMS Ness are believed to have intercepted and destroyed the submarine on May 23, 1943, off the coast of Spain. The exact location of the submarine’s wreckage remains unknown, but the sinking of Leonardo da Vinci marked the end of one of the Italian Navy’s most formidable vessels. Although it never launched its attack on New York, the submarine’s legacy as a significant force during World War II lives on in naval history.

In the end, Leonardo da Vinci was both a symbol of Italian naval ambition and a reminder of the limits of that ambition, as the reality of war ultimately overcame its grander plans.