Test your knowledge of Yugoslav history with our engaging quiz and see how much you really know!

Although the kingdom was officially known as the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes until 1929, for simplicity and clarity, we refer to it as Yugoslavia throughout the quiz.

Quiz: History of Yugoslavia

1 / 10

When was the Kingdom of Yugoslavia officially established?

2 / 10

Who was the first king of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia?

3 / 10

Which battle in 1941 marked the beginning of the Yugoslav Partisan resistance against the Axis powers?

4 / 10

Which conference did Yugoslavia help to found in 1961?

5 / 10

What was the political system of Yugoslavia under Tito?

6 / 10

What was the capital of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY)?

7 / 10

Who succeeded Tito as the president of Yugoslavia after his death in 1980?

8 / 10

Which republic was NOT part of Yugoslavia?

9 / 10

Which country was formed after the breakup of Yugoslavia and joined the European Union in 2013?

10 / 10

Which two republics formed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1992?

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